How to Find the Perimeter of a Rectangle

One of the most critical formulae of the rectangle is the perimeter rectangle. It’s the total distance a rectangle covers along its perimeter. Many geometric shapes and sizes with a field, perimeter, and even volume will be encountered in Math (for 3-d figures). You’ll also learn all of the parameters’ formulas.

The term “perimeter” refers to the length of a figure. Assume that the circumference of a square with all of its sides equal is four times the square’s sides. The diameter of a circle is known as its circumference, and it is measured using its radius. Let’s first define what a rectangle is before we figure out how to calculate its diameter.

What is a Rectangle?

Rectangles are four-sided polygons or shapes. The below are a few of the properties of a rectangle:

  • All the angles present in a rectangle are 90º.
  • The opposite sides of a rectangle are invariably the same in size.

The Formula for Perimeter of a Rectangle:

The diameter of a rectangle is equal to the number of the rectangle’s sides. The perimeter formulas are the cumulative distance around the sides of any polygon. In the case of a rectangle, the opposite sides are equal, so the perimeter is equal to twice the width plus twice the length of the rectangle, and it is denoted by the letter “p.”

From the definition stated from the perimeter we know, that the perimeter of a rectangle,

P = 2 (a + b) units


  • “a” is the provided length for the rectangle
  • “b” is the provided breadth for the rectangle

Derivation of the formula:

Since the perimeter of a rectangle is equivalent to the total sum of all the given sides of a polygon. Therefore, in the instance of a rectangle, the perimeter (P) can be obtained by:

  • P = total sum of all its four boundaries
  • P = a + b + a + b they are the opposite sides of rectangle that are equal
  • P = 2(a + b)

Hence, the formula is derived. Therefore, Perimeter of a respective rectangle = 2(Length + Width) square units.


The perimeter of a rectangle is obtained by using the formula Perimeter of a rectangle = 2(L + B) units. One can get a better understanding of perimeter and its concepts with the help of Cuemath math worksheets that are designed in such a way that it makes learning engaging and interesting. Let’s take an example of math worksheets to help us understand this accurately. Reema wants to build a fence around her farm to keep trespassers from wandering in. Now let us look at an example to grasp this formula in a better way. She wants to know how much wire she will have to buy to encircle her rectangular farm with the fence. The larger border of the farm is denoted by (l). The smaller side by (b). Now, if she adds the distance of all sides, it will give her the perimeter with accuracy. The total distance that needs to be covered= l + b + l + b = 2l + 2b.

How to Obtain the Perimeter of a Rectangle?

The perimeter of a rectangle can be obtained or calculated in three manageable steps.

  • Step 1: Always calculate the perimeter of a rectangle, if the length, and breadth are known.
  • Step 2: The respective values of the length and breadth are used for the perimeter formula.
  • Step 3: After solving the entire equation with mathematical operations, the value of the perimeter is obtained.

Benefits of Perimeter of a Rectangle

The Perimeter of a rectangle makes many things simpler and benefits us in measuring and knowing the accurate distances and lengths in our day-to-day activities.

For instance,

  • If you need to color the border of your rectangular mirror, you can easily measure the amount of ribbon you would need by calculating the perimeter of the mirror in a rectangular shape.
  • If you need to put a fence around your house, knowing the perimeter of your house will give you the exact and precise length of things you would need to buy.

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